Are you looking on how to get paid online by working as a Freelance Translator? Do you have the ability to translate one language to another? Then this article can help you most to make money online work at from home translation jobs.
All those who are looking for a trustful best freelance platforms for translation jobs, we are ready to help you getting the best one for you. Here we introduce the website called “OneHourTranslation.com“. OneHourTranslation.com is one of the most popular online money earning website for translators. In this article we will discuss more about OneHourTranslator.com website, and how it works.
Make money with home based translation jobs:
As we described before, translation is a better task to be done from home for making an extra money online during leisure time only if you have definite skills. OneHourTranslation.com is a website that is most common in giving opportunities for translators. OneHourTranslation.com is a US based company launched in 2008 that provides language translation services all over the world. One Hour Translation is the website I personally prefer to be trustworthy to earn money online by working at home. It has been recognized by the Common Sense Advisory to be the first company that is successfully crowded with human translation services. The company is currently providing translation services for 75 languages and 2500 language pairs.
One Hour Translation is a website that supports only translation of various languages. There are two kind of Accounts exist is One Hour Translation. They are: Translator account and Customer account.
The one who requires translation of texts can be opted to Customer account and the one who are ready to translate the texts is referred to Translator account.
By simply saying, customers upload their documents which they need to get translated. The task of translators is to translate these documents for the customers. Onehourtranslation company currently has more than 14,000 translators for them and they have more than enough customers to tackle their needs.
Working of One Hour Translation:
Since we are focusing about online translation jobs for freelancers, we will focus mostly on the translator side and not much about customer side. The working of One Hour Translation is simple. We will tell you on how to start a Translator account and on how to earn more money through freelance translation tasks. If you are very good in the language skill that you opt, then it will be very much comfortable for you in doing the tasks once you get started, that’s for sure. Before getting started on One Hour Translation job, let me remind you once again that this article will be useful only for the ones who can read and write more than one language.
Never ever think that you can get the help from online translator tools. This will be identified by the company and you will be strictly banned from the company and you cannot get money from the translation. For the qualification test, all these you will be tested for your efficiency in translating the document and the time you are taking to complete translations. So if you are an expert in at least two languages, then you have the opportunity to work as a translator and earn money as you wish in One Hour Translator.
How to Register in OneHourTranslation:
First of all, you have to fill out the application form provided in the website. Also attach any certificates to show your experience or to prove that you are eligible to become a Translator professionally. More the experience you have, you will be getting an additional consideration in order to become a Translator in One Hour Translation. Remember that there are already more than 14000 translators and customers. So you are going to compete with them.
Once you have completed filling up of application form and have already scanned and uploaded your certificates, then you can move on to an eligibility test. It is called as a professional translation exam. If you have passed the exam, then you will be notified about the opportunities via emails you have provided during the professional translation examination. Whenever a customer requires a translation and if that translation can be done by you, the notification about the customer’s order will be sent your emails. The latest jobs available in the website will be visible in your email.
If you feel that the posted job is apt for you, then read out all the descriptions and instructions on how they are expecting the translations. Once you have completed reading the instructions and descriptions then you can accept the job.
Now start earning yourself online as a translator and get benefits from it. In the instructions, the customers may have included the date of submission of the translated results. So it is up to you, to complete them on or before the specified date. If the clients have not entered their expected date, then you have to submit your work after completing them as soon as possible.
After completing the task successfully, you will have to upload the relevant files of translations through the One Hour Translation website itself and submit the work by clicking on the submit button. The client will verify your work and if it is good, client will accept it and if it is worse, then the client will reject it. Definitely, they will give a feedback about the work that you have done.
More quickly you deliver the jobs correctly, you will get enough number of jobs for your efficiency. Efficiency and perfectness is the major plus points behind every freelancer. As we are human, we may have chances of doing mistakes. It is quite natural. So try to double check and cross check your tasks after completing them before submitting.
Step by Step procedure on how One Hour Translation Works :
Step 1: Go to the website OneHourTranslation.com

Step 2: There you will see Registration options for both Translator and Customer. Since we focus on Translator part, click on the Translator’s Registration button if you are a new applicant.
Otherwise, directly login to the email password you have to the website account.
Step 3: Fill out all the required details and upload the relevant certificates to prove that you are eligible.
Step 4: Next step is, you will have to complete an eligibility test done by the One hour translation website.
Step 5: If you have passed the eligibility test, then you will get job notifications in your email also.
Step 6: If you are willing to accept the job, then read the instructions provided by the client and they click on Accept button.
Step 7: Now after completing the task perfectly, upload the files of translation and wait for the client’s response.
Step 8: If your task seems to be good, you will get more opportunities frequently and if not, then the client will reject it.
Step 9: If your task is accepted by the client, then you will get payment instantly.
Role of translator as a Service:
Translation of texts to another language is one of the jobs that you should pave much attention while doing such types of tasks. A simple mistake can change even the meaning of a statement. So translation or conversion of a language to another is something that make others also understand the theme of the text that you are translating correctly.
Translation is more important because everyone does not speak same languages. Also just because if somebody knows a little bit of one language, that doesn’t mean that he is fluent in it and is ready to speak it well enough to cope with all the situations. A translator has an important role because all the books may not written in same language. And if so there is no guarantee that everyone can understand the exact meaning of it. Mostly people prefer to understand and better speak in their own native languages. So each and every language has its own importance. So if you are aware and is confident that you can grasp the exact meaning of the texts, and are ready to translate them to another language that you know, then it will be very much helpful for the ones who knows only that language.
Translation task includes conveying the ideas that is in your mind and information with others. Translation is more important and there is a lot of scope for translators internationally. So for all of the people no matter business men or individuals, requirement of translators and their importance is essential.
Always remember that first impression is the best impression. So always try to get the translation done correctly without much time especially for the first time. Try to use simple languages while your translations and it should not end up in a word salad.
How Does One Hour Translation Pay?
For the payment, you will have to wait only until the client’s approval. At the moment the client approves your work, you will be instantly paid the amount to your account. Payment is based on the number of words that you have translated. Each job you finish, you will be paid number of credits. Each job offers credits. 1$ = 100 credits. That means if you have completed task of 2000 credits, you will be paid, $20 in your bank account. You don’t have to wait to reach a particular amount to withdraw them. Once the amount the transferred to your bank account, you can withdraw them instantly. But if you need instant payment, that means at the moment your work is approved, then at that time you will have to pay an extra handling fee to them. But if you can wait on 15th of each month for getting payment, then you will not have to pay the extra handling fee, since the amount for all the translators is to transfer on 15th automatically.
The payment is only through, Paypal, Payoneer Mastercard and Wire Transfer. if you need money transfer through Payoneer master card, then you will have to order the card for free through the website itself. It is free of cost. But you will have to pay a small amount as processing fee for this card.
If you are wandering around thinking of how to earn money at home and you know more than languages, then blindly join OneHourTranslation.com. It is a 100% trustful website which provides works and pays you instantly for the work that you complete successfully. It is simple task but much care should be taken during translation since simple mistakes can change the complete meaning. If you are confident that you are good in translation then One Hour Translation is the best platform for the ones who are in search for earning an extra money online from working at home.