Just like any normal job, affiliate marketing can be an extremely hard process. However, I have developed a CPA method for you to follow step-by-step. This specific method was designed to make CPA marketing easy for you.
What I’m trying to say is, “if you follow this tutorial, then you can become a successful CPA affiliate!”
Some people quit CPA marketing because they are too lazy to find niches and promote their content. Instead of actually working, they expect that their content will magically go to the first position on Youtube and Google.
What I am about to show you requires persistence and motivation. This is a lot of content guys and I don’t expect you all to read this within a day.
If you do not know what CPA is and still want to make money, please refer to this post. I cover what CPA is and show you how you can get started with this $100 a day CPA method.
Also, if you are an existing CPA / CPI affiliate, please don’t hesitate to contact me and make me your referral. I make my living off of referring people about how to make money. It would be very nice of you to help me out.
I recommend for you to read one section, take a break, and then proceed to the next section. It’s imperative that you follow this CPA method step-by-step because I’m giving it all to you for free!
Furthermore, you need to be patient while researching. Just like any business, affiliate marketing does take a long time to find the perfect niche, let alone create the perfect content.
Some examples of time-consuming tasks for starting up your CPA business are: blog posting, testimonial creation, infographics creation, finding the right keywords, building up your authority, finding the right theme, promotion methods and creating your landing page.
If I kind of scared you, don’t worry because I am about to show you how to get started with this CPA method.
If you follow this guide and the set of examples, it is definitely possible to make over 100 dollars a day; this is just off one niche.

Please keep in mind, you can only make this money if you find the right niche and promote it the right quway! Also, once you know what you are doing, don’t be afraid to change up my CPA method a little.
I’m going to show you how to:
- Find the perfect CPA network (if you don’t have one already)
- Find the perfect niche
- Find the perfect keywords for that niche
- Create an eye-appealing brand for your audience
- Make better content
- Setup your website
- Create the content for your niche
- Promote the same content you have just created
Before we jump into anything, you might be asking “what’s a niche?” . Furthermore if you know what a niche is you might simply be wondering “what is the correct way to say niche”?
In terms of affiliate marketing, a niche is a specialized market. Within that specialized market, the affiliate is able to target groups or one group of people.
According to grammar girl, the most widley accepted way to prounce nich is “nitch”.
Now that we know how what a niche is and how to pronounce it, we can delve into the more complicating steps with this CPA method.
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Finding the Perfect CPA Network
Chances are, when you are striving to learn CPA, you are striving to earn more money than you possibly can. Well, this is a good mindset to have!
Furthermore, in order to be the best, you have to be with the best. In my strong opinion, I believe CPABuild is the right choice, when it comes to choosing a CPA network.
This is because:
- CPABuild has a competitive commissions system
- you get $5 for free, just by signing up!
- blackhat niches are legal (most CPA networks don’t allow blackhat. BOOO. Yay for CPABuild though)
- you can easily modify and create your own landing pages. No HTML coding required!
- you have access to thousands of CPA niche idea.
Better than that, CPABuild is FREE to use. Therefore, CPABuild is my go-to CPA network. You can read more about CPABuild here.Sign Up To CPABuild Here
Finding the Perfect Niche
This is perhaps the most crucial part of CPA / CPI affiliate marketing. Niche research is critical. It is a fool’s mistake to develop content and not do the proper research over what your customers want.
In fact, it’s impossible to create engaging and high converting content when you don’t even know what you’re going to promote!
The cool thing about niche research is that it’s well … research. Also, the cool thing about affiliate marketing is that it’s a business.
With this being said, would you blindly open a business and spend all that you have on a location which you haven’t researched? My point is, with any business, it is crucial to do the proper research. This step should be in every entrepreneur’s cookbook!
Just Think
While Nike says “just do it”, LG says “life’s good”, and Mcdonald’s says “I’m loving it”, I say “just think”.
If you think about it, that’s all affiliate marketing requires. Just have a little bit of common sense and you can find a great niche.
Quick Tip:
When you are doing some CPA niche research, you’ll also learn that experience counts. It’s just like riding a bike. All you need to do is get started with niche research and you will begin to correlate different data between different niches and know which is best!
Now, let’s put your brain to the test. To begin the “just think” phase, all you need to do is list your interests or other popular interests that you think may be great for a niche or something you can create content about.
Keep in mind, these ideas need to be something that you can or cannot give to your user. The easiest niches to take advantage of are blackhat niches. These niches are things that you say you are going to give to your audience but you really don’t (free steam codes).
On the other hand, there are whitehat niches. These are the niches that you say you are going to give your audience something and you in fact do.
It’s important to know that whitehat niches do work. However, most of the time white hat niches require money to invest, in order to beat your competition.
I honestly have never had one whitehat niche become successful, so I stick to blackhat.
With anything in life we always look for the easiest and fastest solution. Therefore, when it comes to easy money and no capital to invest, blackhat favors over whitehat easily.
For this specific CPA method, I am going to be using a blackhat niche.
Also, if you can, pick a niche that can be split into sub-niches, then you will be able to make more money.
Here is my niche brainstorm list:
- Free gift-card codes (any type)
- Free steam codes
- Pokemon Go character spawners
- Social media account hacker
For the purpose of this tutorial I will go over “free steam codes”.
Now, I know what you may be thinking, “Trent, this niche is way too saturated, no one will convert!”
Well I say “that’s not true”. This keyword will be perfect for this CPA method because it isn’t a difficult keyword to rank for.
You can get tons of traffic from YouTube and social media if you have the right method and keywords and I‘m about to show you how.
Finding the Right Keywords
Just as niche research goes, you need to find the right keywords. Now, for this specific CPA method, we are going to research for keywords that are relative to steam code generators, With these keywords, the idea is to rank high on YouTube and Google to gain visitors.
With any business, you must do research. Affiliate marketing is 70% research and 30% promotion. When you implement this percentage work-flow plan into this CPA method, you will able to make more money.
This is because once you find out your target audience and the difficulty reaching the audience, it is less hard to get traffic. You could have a mediocre video still with low-quality content and still drive people to your landing page.
It’s your blog post that does the converting to your landing page and your Youtube video directs people to go to your blog post.
Free Keyword Research
When finding the right keywords, it’s important to mention that you do not need to spend a penny. However, paid keyword research tools will make your keyword research journey easier, faster, and more efficient.
When I started affiliate marketing, money was an issue. Therefore, I will be covering step-by-step content with affiliate marketing keyword research!
This is probably one of the most valuable sections I have to offer in this CPA method guide, so please listen up and pay-attention to what I have to say :)
First of all, you need to know what your niche is. For example, my niche is “free steam codes”. All we need to do now is pull up the right free keyword research tools to start making high-quality traffic sources.
Keyword Tool Dominator
As the name describes itself, Keyword Tool Dominator is a great keyword research tool. With this tool, you will be able to get a grasp of what your audience is looking for and dominate the complexity of keyword research!
This tool takes advantage of the Google autocomplete functionality to generate tons of long-tail keyword for your specific niche.
Furthermore, unlike their competition KeywordTool.io, they actually show you the most popular keyword suggestions and rank them anywhere from 1 – 10
All you need to do is search what your audience might be looking for. For example, if you are promoting “free steam codes”, then search free steam codes!
Now that you have generated a ton of keywords, it is time to manually check if these keywords are great keywords to rank for!

KWFinder is by far the best keyword-research tool. It is what I use for my keyword research needs and best of yet, it’s free! However, you only get 3 free keyword lookups.
Once you have your keywords that you’ve generated with Keyword Tool Dominator, all you need to do is search for those top keywords with KWfinder.
I love KWfinder because it finds a bunch of related keywords, compared to your seed keyword that you implement.
It also shows some great statistics and calculates those statistics toward keyword difficulty.
What I did for example is input the keyword “free steam codes” in KWfinder. This is because it seems to be a very popular keyword searched!
Just check out the opportunity with this keyword.

As you can see, the free steam key niche is a GO (it is a great keyword that I can rank for).
Here are the keywords that I have came up with:
- free steam codes
- xbox online code generator
- 8 ball pool hack
- amazon gift card codes generator
Now that we have found all the keywords we want to rank for, I will show you how to create high-quality content such as videos and webpages.
Producing the Content
Okay, so we’ve researched our niche and found our keywords. Great, now let’s delve into the funnest part yet, content creation!
Quick Tip:
When creating content, it is important that you give yourself enough time (preferably 2-5 hours per day). If you want to work on your content creation more than 5 hours, then that is okay! However, it is important to always remain patient and if you feel like your brain can’t handle more than 5 hours of content creation per day, then you need to be the judge of that.
Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better
This is probably one of the most powerful sayings that comes into play for affiliate marketers, which use search engines as their main traffic source.
It simply goes like this: “If you create content that ranks high, so what… I can too”. Just grasp this fact into your mind. All you need to do is believe in your content that you create.If it is better and more high quality in Google and Youtube’s eyes, then you will be looked at as “better” and rank higher!
Don’t let competition be your decision maker for your niche. Again, follow the advice I give to you with this CPA method and it will work!
Come Up With A Great Brand
It’s been proven that Google LOVES brands. Why? Well this is because branding yourself makes you more reputable in the customer’s eyes.
Deciding on a brand name is quick and easy. One trick I like to do is broaden up my niche.
For example, most people who want steam keys are gamers. Therefore, the broadened niche is “Gamers”.
After I broaden up my niche, I like to add a word which contributes to the meaning of “authority”. For this particular brand, I called it “Gamer Authority”. Doesn’t that have a nice ring to it?
If you have a hard time coming up with a niche or just can’t think of a brand name in general, go to Name Mesh and generate one yourself!
Setup Your Hosting Platform and Domain Name
Just like any business, it requires hosting and a location. How else are you going to convert your customers? What your hosting platform is going to do is host your landing page and blog.
Setting Up Your Domain
Furthermore, with your domain name, all it is going to do is be a location for your website. It will allow you to name your brand towards that site. A simple domain name costs just 88 cents with this tool.
- Head over to Name Cheap and search for your brand name
- From There, all you need to do is add the domain name to your cart, complete the purchase and you are done. You do not need to buy hosting because I am going to show you how to get hosting for pretty much free. (It’s $2 a month / 5 pennies per day!)
Furthermore, with your domain name, all it is going to do is be a location for your website. It will allow you to name your brand towards that site. A simple domain name costs just 88 cents with this tool.
How to create a domain name for your brand
- Head over to Name Cheap and search for your brand name
- From There, all you need to do is add the domain name to your cart, complete the purchase and you are done. You do not need to buy hosting because I am going to show you how to get hosting for pretty much free. (It’s $2 a month / 5 pennies per day!)
Setting Up Your Hosting
Now that we have a domain name, you must get a host for your domain. What a host does is well.. host your files. Your domain name just essentially is an easy shortcut for you viewers to find your host!
Unfortunately, all hosting platforms cost money. Thankfully there are some pretty low-budget hosting platforms out there for you and I. I like to recommend HostDare to my viewers trying this cpa method.
Most hosting platforms charge between $10 – $20 dollars per month! But HostDare does not. They charge a crazy cheap amount to anybody. Their amount they charge is $2 dollars a month!
I have hosted all my affiliate marketing projects with HostDare. I love HostDare because they offer great support and you get more bang for your buck.
How to buy hosting and setup WordPress
- Head over to this page
- Click Services > Order New Services
- Order the starter package for $2.99 a month
- Once this is done, and everything is paid for go to Services > My Services
- From this list, pick the host with the domain name you have bought!
- Press “Login to cpanel” and you will be logged into your hosting control panel.
- From here, scroll down to the “SOFTACULOUS APPS INSTALLER” menu.
- Click the wordpress icon, within that menu.
- Click “Install”, you should be brought up to a window that looks like this!
- Enter in your username and password to what you want. (I can’t do this for you :P)
- Change the site name to your brand name and your site description to your logo.
- Press Install, and your screen should look like this.
That’s it! You installed wordpress. Time to scrape a landing page now!
Scraping Your Landing Page
When developing this CPA method for you all, I thought to make the content brief as possible. This is so I don’t confuse people because the more complex something is, the more questions arise towards that subject.
One of the pieces to this CPA method is developing a landing page. It’s really hard to do that and requires developing skills, unless you use a paid landing page generator.
Therefore, I decided that copying other landing pages is the least time-consuming method I know of.
This in itself is a daunting process, but it’s crucial to learn if you want to be a CPA / CPI affiliate marketer and you barley have any money to invest.
What you are going to do is find a really high converting landing page. You are essentially going to just copy this and apply it to your own site.
Luckily for you, I have made a step-by-step tutorial on how to copy landing pages from other sites with HTTrack. You can see the video below.

Once you have followed the steps in this tutorial, you should have your html files. Also, make sure to add your content locker into the template webpage that you have just copied.
If you don’t know how to do this, contact someone in the CPA industry and they should help you. You can also contact me and I will try my best to help you.
Next, you are going to need to copy and paste all your landing page files to your web host.
In order to do that, you need to zip your files first into one file. Upload that file to your designated directory within the host.
Lastly, when the file is uploaded, you will right click the .zip file and press extract. Your files should now all be unzipped on your web server. If you need help just contact me via email.
If you do not know how to copy files into your hosting platform, refer to this guide!
If you are not able to to do this, please contact me with your problem and I will try to help. I cannot stress this enough! ?
WordPress : Creating Your Post
When it comes to funneling your audience, WordPress is the ultimate factor. Therefore, if you are tired and really don’t feel like writing content right now, do yourself a favor and bookmark this website for tomorrow and get back at it.
(It took me five whole days to perfect this post!)
Like I said in my last blog post, patience and persistence is one of the best skills to have!
It is important to know that your blog needs to be structured very well and look authoritative for this CPA method to work.
Due to the complexity and length of work it requires, I will save this topic for another blog post.
However, if you are not familiar with WordPress, refer to this guide. This should get you started with WordPress.
You must have a great blog to really convert your audience. If you blog doesn’t look professional enough or lacks content, Google and your niche audience will not convert.
Since we are about to create a Youtube video and link our blog post to it, we need to make a great high quality article with proof to convert our audience! Here is a great example of a blog post below.

Here are the elements your blog post should have:
- Greater than 1,000 words: Google loves high-quality content, if you can make content that is 1,000 words, you will have what is called “thick content” and Google will take this into consideration. ?
- Introduction: Show your audience how you can solve their problem in a brief paragraph. In this case, I offer to solve their problem about finding free steam codes.
- Address the “how”: Addressing the how when marketing is critical. You want to be able to show your audience how you have made your solution to their problem possible. Also, show the audience how to use your generator, which you have just made possible for them to utilize.
- Address the “why”: Just like every concept in this world, there will be doubt. It is your job to address in this post why your product works. Again, this goes with selling anything really
- Address the “what”: People will have questions such as “what can I redeem this on?”, “does this product work for me?”, “how can this product make my life better?”. It’s your job to answer these questions and let them know your product is legit.
- Offer Testimonials: When offering testimonials, you are showing your niche audience that there has been a success with your product before. Just like anything with marketing, if you “prove” it works, people will buy it or convert on your landing page!
- Link to your landing page: This is by far the most crucial step of your blog post creation. You must create a button and link directly to your landing page. You can see in that blog post that I have a button which then links to my landing page.

A good blog post should take about 1 -2 days to create. Additionally, the developer of the blog posts should spend about 6 hours total. (Yes, I said 6 hours total).
This is so you have enough time to proof-read it and make it readible. If your blog post isn’t readable, no one will convert on it.
Just try to make your blog post just like mine and you’ll be okay! After all, I am giving you my personal CPA method to copy off of step-by-step.
Youtube is by far one of the most under rated sources of organic traffic. Tons of people are constantly searching on Youtube and it is the second largest search engine.
With this being said, Youtube is a great source of traffic. We can redirect the traffic from your Youtube video straight to your blog post that you have just created.
Since we have our own keywords that we want to rank for, we need to create our Youtube video. For demonstration purposes, this is the YouTube video that I have created.
I hope this gives you a basic understanding of what a good converting video should look like. This video has had a successful conversion rate as far as gaining traffic to my site goes.
Here are some elements your video should have:
- High quality thumbnails : A thumbnail is just the picture you see before you click the video you are about to watch. Research has shown that videos with high quality custom thumbnails have better click through ratios than videos without high quality custom thumbnails.
- Confidence: When producing a video for your brand, you need to sound confidence. Confidence is key and if you do not sound confident, then many people will doubt you! Again, studies have shown that people who sound confident are more able to convert, rather than people who don’t sound confident at all.
- Give great direction: You can have all the confidence in the world and create really rich quality but forget one simple step and that is “give great direction”. Make sure to tell people in the Youtube video to go to your landing page.
- Show “proof” : Although this is a little unorthodox, show fake proof if you can. If you are promoting a steam key generator, then at the end of the video you must show proof of some sort to fool your audience. You can see that I was easily able to bullsh** how the steam key generator works.
- Sound Legit: Literally, all you need to do is just sound somewhat legit and people will believe you. For this example, all I did was talk about a free giveaway I am doing. This is a great way to inadvertently get social shares.
One thing you should know about this video is that it is very engaging and sounds good. I don’t sound unconfident or anything of the nature. As far as the psychological process goes here with sound, we are good.
Also, as far as the quality of the media goes, it’s pretty good. It’s not the best but it does the trick!
Thirdly, I give great direction. I Tell my audience where they need to go and what they need to do, in order to get free steam codes!
Also, I showed “proof” at the end of the video. Due to this one simple factor, I was able to convert more than a video that did not have proof.
Lastly, I sounded legit. Really, all I said was “go to this site and click here”. I was descriptive and made sure my audience knew where to go.
If you include all of these 5 steps in your video, then you my friend have a really high-potential Youtube video which will earn you tons of money online. Now, let’s move onto promoting this Youtube video!
Promoting Your Content
Okay so you’ve done the research and the production. Now you are ready to promote. It’s important that you don’t really put much thought into this step. Instead, all of your thoughts should have been put in the content creation process.
All you need to do is just follow the steps I lay out for you and this CPA method will work on your behalf.
As long as you have the keywords researched and all your content is created you are ready to promote.
I’m going to briefly explain how to setup your social profiles, index your website, upload your video properly, and get people engaged and start sharing your brand.
These are the steps we are going to take to promote your brand:
- Setting up social media accounts
- Indexing your site
- Uploading your Youtube video correctly
- Optimizing your Youtube video correctly
Setting Up Social Media
This is a pretty important part of the production process. We need to make sure that we setup social profiles on Google +, Facebook, and Twitter. You can do other social media networks if you wish too.
Quick Tip:
Make sure your descriptions are very high quality and contain a lot of information about your brand! Don’t just put something like “get free steam codes”. Instead, make a 3-5 sentence about your brand. Try and use the same description for every social media account for this CPA method!
Example: Gamer Authority is a prestigious steam code distributor. For many years, Gamer Authority has been giving away many free steam codes to the public. Do you want free steam codes? No, problem! Go to gamerauthority.com
First off, we are going to setup our Facebook page. Now, if you don’t have a Facebook account, get one now!
In terms of Facebook, the best way to talk about your brand is to create a page.
How to create a Facebook page
- Create your Facebook page by going here.
- In the “Brand or Product”, select the option “website”
- Add a profile picture and a wall cover picture on your Facebook page.
- Click on “Add a short description” and add your description.
- Click on “Add a Button” and press “Learn More” enter in your brand website into the field and press “Add Button”
- Scroll down to “About” and click “Add Website”. Put your website into the input field.
- Refresh your Facebook profile page, does it look somewhat like mine?

Google +
Google + is essential for setting up your brand. If you do not have a Google + page for your visitors to +1, then you are simply doing it wrong!
How to create a Google + Page
- Create your Google + brand page by clicking here
- Put your brand in the input field and press “Create”
- Press “Enable”. You should now be redirected to the Google + main screen
- Click “Profile” on the left sidebar. You should now be able to edit your profile.
- Change your profile picture and background picture.
- Click “ABOUT”
- Click on the little plus arrow on the bottom right of your screen.
- Select “Site”
- Add your website and press OK.
- Click “ABOUT” again and compare your page with my page. Does it have the url included with an attractive avatar and background picture?
Last but not least we have Twitter. Twitter can be a little complicated, as far as knowing the importance but to be better safe than sorry, we are going to setup Twitter.
How to setup a twitter account
- First, go here to signup for Twitter.
- Enter in your Brand Name, phone number, and password desired
- Verify yourself via SMS
- Create or pick your twitter username
- You will now be logged into your Twitter account, it will ask you to follow some famous people. Click skip and continue
- Click “Edit Profile” on the top right.
- From here, you need to change your header, profile picture, bio, and website. See below for what your profile should look like.

There you have it! We setup all social media accounts (Google, Facebook, and Twitter)
Getting Your Site Indexed
Getting your site indexed can be a very exciting step! The benefits of indexing your site is so the search engines can know where you are at. The best way to index your whole site is to create a Google Webmasters account.
However, this can be a rather complex process with Google Webmasters. For the sake of learning this CPA method, I don’t want to provide too much information here; I believe it would distract you.
With this being said, right now I will teach you how to submit your webpages to Google’s search engine without webmasters.
How to index your site with Google
- Go to the Google webmasters “submit url” webpageh
- Input your blog post url into the input field
- Complete captcha and press submit.
It’s literally easy as that! Wait about 30 minutes and your blog post should be visible for Google.
Yahoo / Bing
So I don’t know why this is but people just submit their sites to Google and not Yahoo or Bing!
If you haven’t noticed.. Firefox switched their default search engine to Yahoo / Bing. Wouldn’t you think that it is your important that you at least just tell Yahoo / Bing “hey.. my site is here can you index it?”
Overall, I get about 20% of my traffic from Yahoo / Bing! This is also another great way to beat competition guys.
How to submit your site to Yahoo
- Go to the Yahoo/Bing submit site webpage
- Input your blog post url into the input field
- Complete captcha and press submit.
Uploading Your CPA Video to Youtube Correctly
I see so many people doing this step wrong. They make a rather-great Youtube video, a kick-ass landing page, but they just fail to optimize their content properly.
Luckily for you guys, this is all a part of my CPA method; I’m going to break this down for you step-by-step!
Previously on the content creation section I went over what your video should have.
Now I am going to show you how to optimize your content correctly, so more visitors can view your content!
- Go to the Youtube upload page. To get to this page go here.
- Press “Select Files to Upload” and select your video. It will process and you page should look like this.

Now that this step is done, we are ready to FINALLY optimize our Youtube video, so we can get traffic.
How to optimize your CPA video for Youtube:
- Change your title: This is one of the most crucial parts of Youtube’s optimization. Make sure your keyword is used in this title. Make the title very catchy. For example, my title is “How to get FREE STEAM Codes | 2017 Tutorial”
- Change your description: This is the second most important step for the optimization process. Be sure to make your description quicky, simple, and to the point. Also, make sure to make your description have a keyword to text ratio of at least. If you can, just summarize your blog post. Here is a great example of a description that rendered great results!

- Good title tags: Always search your keyword on youtube and put in for your tags what you see in the search engine results. This establishes relevance with Youtube and you have a better chance of showing up with those tags! See below

- Categories: Always put your video in the right category. To do this click “Advanced Settings” and choose the proper category
- Thumbnail: This is the last step! All you need to do is click the “Custom thumbnail” button and upload your thumbnail. * If you do not see this option, it is because you are limited from using it. In order to use this feature , you must verify here. *
And that’s it! Once you have optimized everything properly your screen should look something like mine. When you are ready to publish your optimized video, press “Publish”.

Did You Enjoy My CPA Method Tutorial?
If you found this CPA method tutorial useful, I ask that you please share me on social media.
I can’t stress how much one simple share on social media does and you are helping other people find my content that way.
Also, make sure to subscribe to my mailing list to get more CPA methods like this. I won’t only be covering CPA / CPI. I will cover Amazon associates and many other affiliate networks as well.
For now, I will be covering everything and anything about CPA because this hasn’t been done yet. I really think that you all can find some excellent values from all of the posts I am about to create.
There is a lot of money to be made guys and I hope by the end of 2017 I have a total of $33,000 dollars made from all of these methods. Set yourself some goals, believe in your self, and never stop hustling and this CPA method with work!